i've been seeing these jackets everywhere lately!

the statement jacket that talks back.

not only are there so many options, there are also a million different ways to wear an embroidered jacket: girly, or tough girl, preppy or bohemian, and everything in between. who wouldn't want a jacket with a dose of attitude?

whatever biker jacket | @themissprints
jackets with words roundup | @themissprints
jackets with words | @themissprints
gucci bowie jacket | @themissprints
i woke up like this denim jacket | @themissprints
pink ladies jackets | @themissprints
jackets with words | @themissprints
jackets with words | @themissprints
jackets with words | @themissprints
jackets with words | @themissprints
jackets with words | @themissprints